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Rolling solo for the evening? No problem! get your ticket here and we'll find you a spot at the Gala. We are excited to have you!

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Get a ticket for you and a guest! Buying two gets you a little discount!

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Purchasing a full table at an event without sponsorship benefits allows attendees to reserve a designated table for their group at a reduced cost. This option typically excludes branding and promotional opportunities that come with traditional sponsorship packages, making it a more budget-friendly choice for those who simply want to secure a spot for their guests at the event. This option is great for individuals or organizations looking to attend and enjoy the event without the additional marketing benefits.



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A TABLE OF 8: Enjoy a reserved table of 8 at the event, ideal for your team and/or guests. 

• Your company’s logo featured at the event bar, where attendees will gather for drinks and socializing. 

• Recognition on all drink-related signage and a chance to display promotional materials at the bar. 

• 1 drink ticket per guest

Sold out

A TABLE OF 8: Enjoy a reserved table of 8 at the event, ideal for your team and/or guests. 

• Your company’s logo featured at the popular churro cart station. 

• Exclusive branding opportunities for the churro station and social media mentions as a sweet part of the event experience. 

• 1 drink ticket per guest

Sold out

A TABLE OF 8: Enjoy a reserved table of 8 at the event, ideal for your team and/or guests. 

• Sponsor custom dog tags with your company logo inscribed, which will be handed out during the event and given away throughout the year. 

• 1 drink ticket per guest

Sponsorship of Event Photo Booth
Sold out

A TABLE OF 8: Enjoy a reserved table of 8 at the event, ideal for your team and/or guests. 

• Your company’s logo will be prominently displayed at the photo booth for all attendees. 

• Opportunity for photo booth branding and social media shoutouts during the event. 

• 1 drink ticket per guest

make a donation



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Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.